How To Manage Lust, Anger & Hatred?

This video is about how to manage lust, anger, and hatred according to eastern and western philosophies.

The speaker, Sadhguru, says that in the east, people believe that you should keep your negative emotions inside and cook yourself, while in the west, people believe that you should release your emotions.

Sadhguru argues that the eastern way is better because if you keep your negative emotions inside, they will eventually burst out in a positive way.

He also says that if you try to kill your negative emotions, they will only become stronger.

Sadhguru uses the analogy of a pressure cooker to explain his point. He says that if you put a lid on a pressure cooker, the steam will eventually build up and burst out.

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But if you try to release the steam all at once, the pressure cooker will explode. Similarly, if you keep your negative emotions inside, they will eventually build up and burst out in a positive way.

But if you try to release them all at once, they will only become stronger.

Sadhguru also says that negative emotions are actually great energy that can be used for good. He says that anger, hatred, and lust are all powerful emotions that can be used to achieve great things.

The key is to learn how to transform these emotions into positive energy.

For example, anger can be used to stand up for what you believe in. Hatred can be used to fight against injustice. And lust can be used to create great art.

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The important thing is to not try to kill your negative emotions. Instead, try to transform them into positive energy. If you can do this, you will be able to achieve great things.