How to Remove Negative Thoughts?

This video talks about how to remove negative thoughts.

The speaker, Sadhguru, says that trying to remove negative thoughts is not the right approach. The mind is like a computer that can only add and multiply. If you try to remove something, it will only come back stronger. Instead, you should focus on understanding the mechanics of your mind and how it functions.

One way to do this is to practice Isha Kriya, a process that helps you distance yourself from your thoughts and emotions. By doing this, you can create a space between yourself and your mind, which will help to end suffering.

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The speaker also says that it is important to understand that you are not your thoughts or emotions. You are the life that is behind them. Once you realize this, you can stop taking your thoughts so seriously and let them go.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the video:

  • Trying to remove negative thoughts will only make them stronger.
  • The key is to understand the mechanics of your mind and how it functions.
  • Isha Kriya can help you create a space between yourself and your thoughts.
  • You are not your thoughts or emotions. You are the life that is behind them.