How Do We Handle Hard Times in Life?

This video is about how to handle difficult times in life. The speaker, Sadhguru, starts the video by asking the audience if they have ever felt depressed, lonely, or like no one understands them.

He says that these are all common experiences, and that they are often caused by our own thoughts and emotions.

Sadhguru then goes on to explain that we are not our thoughts and emotions. We are simply the awareness that is observing them.

He says that we can learn to detach ourselves from our thoughts and emotions, and to see them for what they are: passing phenomena.

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Once we can do this, we can start to deal with difficult times in a more constructive way. We can stop taking our thoughts and emotions so seriously, and we can start to see them as opportunities for growth.

Sadhguru ends the video by encouraging the audience to learn how to handle their own thoughts and emotions.

He says that this is the most important thing we can do in life, and that it will help us to live happier and more fulfilling lives.

Here are some of the key points from the video:

  • Difficult times are often caused by our own thoughts and emotions.
  • We are not our thoughts and emotions. We are simply the awareness that is observing them.
  • We can learn to detach ourselves from our thoughts and emotions.
  • Once we can do this, we can start to deal with difficult times in a more constructive way.
  • Learning how to handle our own thoughts and emotions is the most important thing we can do in life.