Suffering From Lack of Self-Confidence?

This video talks about the importance of clarity over confidence.

The speaker, Sadhguru, says that people who are confident but lack clarity often make mistakes and blunder through life. He compares confidence to a complex, which can be a serious problem.

A complex is an assumption that you have made about yourself that you have concretized in such a way that you make a fool of yourself. Sadhguru says that he does not have any confidence, but he has clarity.

He says that clarity means that you see things the way they are, while knowledge means that you have fixed information about everything. He says that knowledge is not as important as clarity, because knowledge can become outdated, while clarity is always relevant.

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Sadhguru also says that people who are always thinking that they are right are not very likable. He says that it is more important to be relevant to the situation than to be right.

He says that you can develop clarity by being aware of your surroundings and by not taking things for granted.

Overall, the video is about the importance of being clear about your thoughts and actions.

Sadhguru says that clarity is more important than confidence, and that you can develop clarity by being aware of your surroundings and by not taking things for granted.