The Truth About Physical Relationships

In the video, Sadhguru explores the true meaning of love and relationships. He argues that love is not about mutual benefit or getting what you want, but about making yourself vulnerable and losing yourself. It is about sharing your life with someone and becoming one.

Sadhguru criticizes the modern view of love, which he sees as being transactional and based on physical attraction. He argues that this view of love leads to breakups and divorce, as people are constantly looking for what they can get out of the relationship rather than what they can give.

He emphasizes the importance of falling in love, which he describes as a process of letting go and making yourself vulnerable. He says that love is not about profit, but about willingly going for a loss. It is about sharing the best that you have with someone else, without expecting anything in return.

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Sadhguru also discusses the importance of emotional relationships, which he says are far more powerful than body-based relationships. He argues that bodies can only have encounters, not relationships. It takes a mind and emotion to have a relationship.

Overall, Sadhguru’s message is that love is a profound and transformative experience that can only be found by letting go of our ego and opening ourselves up to another person. It is about giving, not taking, and about sharing our lives with someone else in a deep and meaningful way.

Here are some key points from the video:

  • Love is not about mutual benefit or getting what you want.
  • It is about making yourself vulnerable and losing yourself.
  • It is about sharing your life with someone and becoming one.
  • The modern view of love is transactional and based on physical attraction.
  • This view of love leads to breakups and divorce.
  • Falling in love is a process of letting go and making yourself vulnerable.
  • Love is not about profit, but about willingly going for a loss.
  • It is about sharing the best that you have with someone else, without expecting anything in return.
  • Emotional relationships are far more powerful than body-based relationships.
  • Bodies can only have encounters, not relationships.
  • It takes a mind and emotion to have a relationship.
  • Love is a profound and transformative experience that can only be found by letting go of our ego and opening ourselves up to another person.
  • It is about giving, not taking, and about sharing our lives with someone else in a deep and meaningful way.