What Happens When You Doubt Yourself?

This video, titled What Happens When You Doubt Yourself?, is a talk by Sadhguru about the importance of self-doubt.

Sadhguru begins by arguing that self-doubt is not a bad thing, but rather a virtue. He says that people who are too confident often make mistakes because they don’t stop to think about the consequences of their actions. He contrasts this with people who have a healthy dose of self-doubt, who are more likely to be careful and considerate.

Sadhguru also points out that self-doubt can lead to a search for truth. When we doubt our own beliefs, we are more likely to question them and see if they are really true. This can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

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Overall, the video argues that self-doubt is an important part of being human. It helps us to be more careful, considerate, and truthful. While it is important to have some confidence, too much confidence can be dangerous. So, the next time you start to doubt yourself, don’t see it as a weakness, but rather as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Here are some key points from the video:

  • Self-doubt is not a bad thing, but a virtue.
  • People who are too confident often make mistakes.
  • People who have a healthy dose of self-doubt are more likely to be careful and considerate.
  • Self-doubt can lead to a search for truth.
  • It is important to have some confidence, but too much confidence can be dangerous.